Found the Culprit!

Wow it was a busy day...8:00 am meeting, followed by a trip downtown to visit the Sr. Business Capstone students (the botanical garden is a client), then my first appointment with my new primary care physician. Home to work for a while which I ended up doing until now, which is 6 pm. Fortunately I got to wander around the garden briefly on this cold and cloudy afternoon. I love these snow crocus - I thought these were called "Flame" but maybe I made that up because they look sort of like flames. Really they're called Crocus crysanthus 'Orange Monarch'. Maybe TonyG the Crocus Man will confirm? 

And...if you look closely, you'll discover why my crocus have holes in them. I didn't notice until I looked at the photo on my computer! Sluggo here I come! 

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