Five things

By fivethings

Added Insight

1. On live radio today. I think I've missed my calling. It's a total buzz. And I managed not to swear. Result.

2. A sunny stroll finishing a bit early, job done. All I can think is 'Sewing Bee, Sewing Bee, Sewing Bee'.

3. The evening lasts and lasts before it gets dark. The first night with no heating on since records began. (Sewing Bee, Sewing Bee, Sewing Bee).

4. My treats tonight are cheesy puffs, taxi biscuits and a stalwart of a Lindt Easter bunny.

5. All set up for the best programme EVER. Wee Lorna and I second screen all the way and the stress during the blouse task is enough to bite the ears off a bunny, but I do love it so.

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