Blip One Frogspawn Get Evidence Free.

I spotted the first of the "Frog's Porn" yesterday, after I'd decided on &/or already Blipped.
I also noticed a VERY low Pond level. 
I have both, documented first sighting, and The empty Pond.
The leak, if leak it is, can be one of two things.
1. The Liner is "shot" (dead).
2. The "Cascade" or Feeder has become faulty.
To steal part of the Hypocritical Oath 
"First do no harm."  Achieved by killing the feed to the Pump and adding the Hose at a trickle to slowly fill for the benefit of eventual Tadpoles.
THEN -  No more Cascade for a Month or several:- 
No leak = Liner OK
Leak = Liner dead.
Give it another week or several on the Irish philosophy 2 B sure 2B sure.
We shall - eventually - see.

: ¬ (

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