Public House

Here's some local good news - we'll have a pub by the brewery again in the village! It's been shut for ooh... about a month. Which isn't long, but we never thought we'd see it open again. The Village Hall is about to close forever after 100 years, the Post Office was shut by the damned Government a couple of years ago and so the remaining shop, school and bowling club are hanging on. The brewery pub really makes the place. (Note to locals: Yes there's another local pub but it's horrible.)

Other than that, a day in Edinburgh working which I enjoyed. Then to The Filmhouse to see Late Quartet which I sobbed through. Very lovely. Go see.

I've been listening to all my Regina Spektor albums today. I walked home from Dunbar because... Well, it's a long story. Anyway, being in the middle of nowhere that meant I could un-self-consciously sing along all the way home. So (another note to locals) if you saw a middle aged bloke whining along to his personal silent disco this evening, that was me. Happy as Larry :)

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