Sun over Hoy

An early stravaig round a leaden sky parish.  A sunny blink developed around 2.30 but then reverted to type.  It has been another nearly flat calm day.  After having outlined Davie’s resilience in the hospital, we met another inspirational buddie today.  We haven’t spoken to Rachel for about two years, so we had a good catch up this morning.  Her twin sister was killed in a horrendous car accident over two years ago.  The whole family still has the pending trial hanging over them.  As twins the lassies went everywhere together.  Over the last peedie while we have noticed Rachel out walking (in all weathers).  She has lost 8 stone and reduced clothes size by 6.  She has done all of this on her own – a superb effort.  She spoke so well and engagingly when we met her.  Inspirational has maybe under cooked it.
CMC has left for the big city and said she will pick me up at 4.00 to take me to the pictures !!!!!!!!  I don’t think I’ve seen anything since the premier of ‘ The Gold Rush’.
Dougal has invited me this evening to watch the Pars with him.  He has asked me to act as barman for the evening.  Plod is on standby.
Since my last report Lhamo Thondup is three days older.  It is reported he currently does not have a paper round.

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