Makeshift Infusion Stand

Our Munni-Cat will get dental surgery on Monday. Because of her kidney problems, the vet recommended to give her subcutaneous infusions of saline solution over the weekend. 

Another job for me, twice a day. Thankfully, little Munni is a friendly and docile cat and allows me to jab her with those frightfully big needles. I had to improvise a holder for the infusion bottle and decided to hang it on the lamp over our treatment dining table.

Storm Zeyneb/Eunice made sleeping difficult for me. It’s just unsettling, listening to things going “bang” outside, not knowing what happened. 

All in all, we were lucky - mostly, light things went flying, like the garden furniture of our second-next-door neighbours, some of which ended up in our next-door-neighbours’ garden (as you can see in the extra); some roofs got damaged and lots of trees are down in the forest. But there are no casualties in our area, which is good news - the north of Germany and neighbouring countries were less lucky.

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