
By dfb24

What's left...

...of an old barn. My sister and I had been here a couple of years ago.  The owner had an antique shop in the old farmhouse on this property. The house  was built in the late 1800's & is made of fieldstone, the same as what was used for the barn. The owner decided last year to move her shop to a building that's right next to this old barn, and to turn the farmhouse into an Inn, which is currently being done. I meandered around her shop and found a small trunk that was exactly what I'd had in mind to put in the bedroom, so I bought it & was relieved to find it fit perfectly in the place I wanted it. (because of course I'd forgotten to take the measurements along with me).  Both the granddaughters stayed overnight with me, as their parents had a party to go to. We were all sound asleep when I woke up, thinking I'd heard a noise. Then I heard it again and again.....& I realized it was the front doorbell. It was 11:20 at night, so no way was I going to open the door, and all I saw when I looked out was a guy with a hooded sweatshirt walking down my driveway and then to a car. My neighbor texted me this morning and said the guy who clears our snow was "clearing" her driveway last night at 11:00, along with two other guys, and she was angry--rightfully so--as not only was it really late, but we'd gotten less than an inch of snow. That's a light dusting and doesn't need to be cleared, plus we had really high winds which would have blown such a small amount away on its' own. So I figured that either they needlessly shoveled my driveway & wanted to be paid, or else they wanted to ask me if I wanted it done. It was hard to tell this morning if it had been done or not because it was such a small amount of snow to start with--even the grass wasn't totally covered. At any rate, I haven't heard from him. That's the first time he's ever done anything like that; maybe he thought there'd be more, as some areas north of us had travel advisories for snow, high winds & freezing temperatures. I'm just glad it didn't wake the girls.....wish I could sleep that soundly! :)

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