Eve's Hame Again

A lovely sunny day.  Calm this morning, a breeze in the afternoon, calm again tonight.  There was some snow this morning, and remained cold.

Up early, and headed into Lerwick this morning, having breakfast at the Harbour Café.  Did some grocery shopping, then a walk in town.  Picked up friend Julie, and we headed down to Laura's.  We all headed out for a beach walk, and then warmed up at Jonny's with a cuppa.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, and then might head out to meet friends.

Eve arrived home from London this morning, along with two friends.  She has come home to film a documentary about our great uncle Adam Christie, part of her finals at University.  Before filming can start, a much needed family time first.  This also included meeting Olly for the first time.  Taking a timeout from the dogs charging about, L-R - Megan, mam, Laura, Eve and Olly.  Taken at Maywick beach.  

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