Silly Spike

We all left Spike to his own devices today and went to Healdsburg where we met Jim and Dana at the The Wurst, a busy sausage spot near the Healdsburg Square. Jim loves this place and since we rarely eat sausages, the occasional one is a real treat. There are so many choices on the menu that it takes awhile just to zero in on what to order. John became very cranky because the man ahead of him too what he considered too long to order. Dana and Jim defused the situation and back at our outdoor table, where we were sitting and watching the passing scene, Dana let John know that he had been rude and embarrassing. He is turning into a right curmudgeon....

After lunch we walked around the square wandering into the toney shops... clothing, home goods and winery tasting rooms that line the square. The men showed varying degrees of patience while the women browsed through the shops. I used to love shopping, but have sort of forgotten how after two years of isolation. I didn't see much that I liked, and even if I had, didn't really want to take the time to try anything on with three men standing out on the pavement looking bored.

Just as we were getting back to where we started, Meg and I spotted an outfit in a window that we both really liked. It was beautiful fabric, unusual design and nice enough to lure us into the shop which proved to be rather minimalist with no prices evident on anything. This should have prepared us for the eye watering prices we were given when the woman behind the counter finally got off the phone. Meg picked up a card as we were beating a hasty retreat before we did something really foolish, and now that we are back home we are both perusing the website which seems to be equally uninformative as to prices and has a prominent request to 'make an appointment'. Healdsburg seems to be pricing itself out of the market for all but the super rich....

Sorry but it's another picture of Spike today. It seems more than appropriate for Silly Saturday in honor of Admirer. I know it isn't the first Saturday of the month so I'm not tagging it. Spike was so fixated on his Kong that he didn't even notice that Rick had put his hat on his head....we might be onto something....It might be a useful aid/protection for him and save his head as he feels his way around unfamiliar spaces....but probably not. A crash helmet might work better....

Jim is making pizza tonight, and Rick and Meg will get a tour of their newly refurbished/refurnished rooms.  I'm enjoying the fact that the men have largely taken over the cooking for the weekend. Rick and Meg will be leaving in the morning to drive back to San Diego and I'm missing them already.

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