Footloose And Nazi Free

On This Day In History
1939: German-American Bund hold Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden

Quote Of The Day
"The rally was to be (Fritz) Kuhn's shining moment, an elaborate pageant and vivid showcase of all he had built in three years. Kuhn's dream of a Swastika Nation would be on display for the whole world, right in the heart of what the Berlin press called the 'Semitized metropolis of New York.'"
(Arnie Bernstein, Swastika Nation)

After a cold, wet day yesterday, today was a beautiful day for a 22 kilometre run, and I didn't see one stinking Nazi.

Don't feel too bad about Fritz Kuhn, America. Britain also had it's own popular homegrown Nazi; his name was Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosely.

This is what the broadsheets said in his day; not the tabloids, the broadsheets:

"Genuinely eager to champion the unemployed and the other underdogs .... dynamic and handsome, popular ..... gifted and a natural leader."
(The Guardian)

"Brilliant man in the Commons ....... compassionate and humane ....... a man of genuine courage and inspiring leadership."
(The Daily Telegraph)

"Thought to have been the most handsome and gifted British political leader of the twentieth century ...... brilliant debater, gifted and lucid and compassionate."
(The Times)

Now we have a Prime Minister from the same elite background working from the same popularist playbook, sans the lucidity, and the United States recently narrowly avoided a far-right coup d'etat. It doesn’t pay to be complacent.

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