D, E and now F

F is for Franklin, the latest storm to hit the UK. It was only when I left the house this afternoon and headed for Lochmaben that I realised how much rain we had had overnight. The rivers Cairn, Nith and Annan had all burst their banks and the fields were full of water. 

Sarah, Jess and I stopped in Lochmaben and walked/ran around Castle Loch. We were on our way to Lockerbie to meet Luke, Laura and Otter, who were travelling down from Edinburgh by train. Their train was an hour late, as it had to travel very slowly due to high winds. Sarah and I walked up and down the long platform at the station, which put an extra 1.2 miles onto my daily Strava total.

D had kept our tea warm in the oven and we were quite hungry when we arrived home. Now sitting chatting, Wordling (strange word today!) and doing jigsaw.Nice to have more people and dogs in the house :-)

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