
By gfm

Dressing Gown

Lots of disturbances in the night, unlike the quiet night previous. Mainly from waking children, but also from an extremely weird dream, even by my standards... (as follows)

I found a foreign object inside my abdomen, and I could move it around underneath the skin beneath my ribs. When I twisted it, it pushed and stretched my skin. I began to understand its shape - long and thin, but with a large handle. Some kind of surgical instrument? I pushed the narrow end hard against my skin until it pierced through. I was rather surprised to discover it was in fact, a telescopic fondue fork, complete with a series of hinges, so that it could bend like a hook or a claw.

Looking at my blip one year ago, we were just finishing up home learning, ahead of the return to school. Interesting that one year on, we are off with Covid and doing home learning, but hopefully just for one week. It feels much easier than I thought it would - I guess all those lockdowns were good practice. The only difference is not being able to escape for a walk.

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