MonoMonday: Hands

Many thanks for the concern after my positive Covid test. I had a bit of an unsettled night, spending a couple of hours sitting up in bed coughing and wheezing, in the company of Billy Connolly and Vanessa Feltz - his autobiography, her radio show. With due respect to Vanessa, Billy made the more entertaining companion!

Felt much better this morning, just like a dose of ‘flu. 

Tess had had a slightly better night’s sleep than recently but we both needed a nap this afternoon. I woke up from mine to find thatTess had donned a glove on her “sling” hand, which gets cold just hanging around, which went hand in glove, as it were, with the theme of today’s challenge.

Other than that we’ve done a lot of reading and a bit of watching TV, in between a few phone calls to friends.

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