Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

A Slope of Snowdrops

Last night's snow didn't come to anything. Brighter this morning, I didn't need the light on to switch the computer on. There was even some sunlight before 9am. It did get very dull throughout the morning. However Storm Franklin went south, so no strong winds or heavy rain here.

I thought it might be ok on the lunchtime walk. I managed to get a decent blip of the snowdrop slope. There was a little bit of rain as I head up to Caiystane, but dry after that. The sun comes out just as I get home.

A nice sunny afternoon, sitting in the front room. Let sleeping cats lie. Well one of them. The other is outside enjoying the fact it is blowing a hoolie, tipping down with rain or getting snowflakes stuck to its fur.

It stayed nice for the after work bike ride. It was very quiet out there, so some schools must be on half-term. A bit of a breeze, but not a gale. 32.4km. And the sun didn't set.

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