Smiley and Sleepy

The Greats popped over through the path in the woods this today with their grandparents (my brother and sister-in-law). They were both full of pep when they arrived, but Hunter was really in need of a nap and that began to show as he settled into a patio chair. We stayed outside a while, T played Hide and seek with them, the weather was so spring-like. We then we went in for a bit to see Merry and for them to inspect all their favorite places. Merry allowed a quick pat, sniffed their hands and zipped under the sofa. Nora wanted to go up to the loft and Hunter came up for the first time with his grandmother. Kids love being up so high and looking through the railings. It's such a lift to be with these young sweeties in our lives.

For the Record, 
This day came in warm and sunny. T was off for the Presidents Day holiday and it was great to have such nice weather.

All hands wary.

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