Thinking of Ukraine today

Fifty one Octobers ago, this picture was taken in Van Buren Maine. All four of us in the photograph were freshly minted first year teachers. We were all 11-14 hours by car from home in Massachusetts and Connecticut. We were new friends since mid August 1971 when we began our jobs in northern Maine, in a town that was an international border crossing between the U.S. and Canada. 

I post this old photograph today because of the deeply troubling events in Ukraine. Stefka, the young woman on the right in the beautifully embroidered coat was of Ukrainian heritage, spoke the language and grew up in a close knit Ukrainian-American community. The wooden Ukrainian egg was a gift from her, along with her friendship. We taught kindergarten in adjoining rooms in my second year there. Her friend from home, and roommate, taught with Dennis who is one of my favorite people in the world. We and three other newbies became the closest of friends as we navigated the rigors of beginning teachers. We were all from 'down state" or out of state, suddenly immersed in life in a very small, rural(potato farms) town where a particular Acadian French patois was the first language of most of our students.

So, today I cannot help thinking of Stefka and Ukraine, the homeland of her parents. We have sadly lost touch, but if I saw her today, the years between would fall away and we would be 22 again. 

Let peace prevail, but I fear for the worst.

For the Records,
This day came in with strange thick fog, it felt like the coast of Maine. The fog cleared, but now we have steady rain and a high wind warning for tonight.

All hands wary

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