Buzzing around v-e-r-y slowly

This afternoon was so sunny and warm, I hope you enjoyed the same. I went out to shift a couple more barrowloads of mulch (it's beautiful stuff) and saw this buff tailed bumblebee in obvious distress struggling around in a pot of crocuses, which weren't quite out. She was so droopy she couldn't climb up the crocus stem to get the nectar so I nipped off some stems of my winter flowering honeysuckle and laid them right near her. She must have been able to smell the flowers because she immediately turned towards them and started probing for food. I spent a good 20 minutes watching her until she suddenly regained her strength and buzzed off into the honeysuckle, where there is a feast! 
I hadn't realised how winter-proof buff tails are but here's more if you're interested:

In flower news, I finally spotted some blue wood anemones poking through the soil, I know it's still early but I'd convinced myself the mice had been at them. Happy days! 

I hope she's not too big for Tiny Tuesday 352. Thanks for hosting Cathy1947. 

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