Hoping For Leftovers.....

Because there is inclement weather predicted for today and tonight and who knows after that because we live in Central Texas, I made sure to put out the deck rail buffet first thing this morning.  That helped the birds out and helped me to get my blip, as well.  There has been a lot of avian traffic, including the Cardinals, male and female, but not dining together today; the Chickadees, also dining separately, but who can tell them apart; the titmice, same behavior as their cousins; and the two White-wing Doves which stopped in for a quick bite.  Or so I thought, but I was wrong!  The Doves had evidently stopped by to make reservations for themselves and six of their closest friends.  When that party of eight showed up, there was still some food at the buffet.  A Blue Jay came by, but seeing the large party of Doves, did not even try to land.  He left, screaming his displeasure at the top of his lungs!  Eventually, the Doves left when the buffet was cleaned out.  Only then, did the Yellow-rumped Warbler stop by the water pan for a drink.  I did not see Titmouse in my shot as I was taking it, only on the larger screen of the computer as I was looking at what I had downloaded. I fell in love with the shot the moment I noticed him.  In the extras, I have put my husband's favorite shot.  I have tagged my main blip for both Wide Wednesday and Wild Wednesday.  

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