mai flower petals

I saw snowdrops! Not in my yard, not in the woods, but I saw some AND I took pictures but, of course, by now every single one of you has snowdrops already but not every single one of you has mai flower petals.

When Samuel was a hyper-crazy puppy we began going to the dog park and a group of us at the park became buds. This is how I made friends with the woman who is moving to Mississippi. Tonight one of the couples and my friend suffered in the cold, eating outside at a sushi restaurant, because I didn't want to go inside. I am so grateful and so fortunate and Samuel is now so happy that I am home. And they gave us each an origami dollar and a beautiful new year card.

When she moves to Mississippi we might visit her in winter, when they hopefully don't have mosquitoes, because you can see the Milky Way from what will be her hemp farm. We'll try not to step on snakes while we're there. 

An exterminator came to visit. We probably have no holes to the outside, the mice are probably going from one house to another through our attics. We have mice in the attic. It is time for the insulation to be replaced anyway and while they do that they can look for and plug up any holes and sanitize everything up there. He said they don't need any food in the house, they know where outside to get food, they just need a nice, warm place to live, like our attic, and the babies need something to chew, like our walls. 

Not only did I make it to the 7:30 meeting but I was reasonably intelligent, funny, and charming. Yes, really. 

Happy year of the tiger.

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