Windmill 'De Lelie', Puttershoek

'Lelie' = 'Lily'
'Puttershoek' = not 'Putter shook' but 'Putters Hoek' = 'Putter's Corner'
'Hoek' sounds like 'hook' with a really long 'oo'.

The Lelie is standing on the dike, close to the intersection of two dikes.  As it is shown in the shot, it is facing the road, but beyond the road to the right is a wide canal with sluice gates.  The value of this windmill for the surrounding area has been classified as 'extremely high', to the extent that trees close to it were felled to maximize its wind potential.  Right next to it is a cute little coffee corner, but it was closed today.  Not that I was planning to sit for a spell to enjoy the view as it was just so cold.

Donkey is in the shot, not very prominently but quite visibly.  :D))
And can you see how much lower the land is on the right?

Chapter 5 polished off, and the ZOOM meeting lasted a couple of hours, which is usual, despite the fact that we were only three today.  I do need to start on Chapter 6, and Chapter 7 after that.  Some housework, and AW had Wednesday regional online bridge.

War has begun on the borders of Europe.

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