
A busy day…several deliveries arrived all within about an hour at lunchtime. Having unpacked the furniture pieces and put the groceries away I nipped out for a walk. The forecast heavy snow hadn’t materialised but the wind was exceedingly chilly.

Visitors late afternoon…my sister popped round with my youngest nephew so I could give him a house key. He’s recently started working for a building firm based in the village so I’m on call to put him up from time to time…he’s coming round tomorrow for tea and to get showered and changed before a night out with his friends, my sister will pick him up afterwards. G will also be here for tea and little one will be arriving for the night…a long standing school friend is coming up from Alnwick for the day so tomorrow will be equally busy. I’ve prepped all the food tonight so at least I’m one step ahead!

I found my blip on the prom…wind/sand blasted paint and rust on a post. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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