
Beware a pooh in tigger's clothing. As some wise man once said.

This is one of 5 photos I took today. This is a Pooh toy that someone got free with a Happy Meal. He sits next to the real Tigger in my office at work.

Many a happy moment is spent chucking pooh around the classroom, dropping pooh on the floor, picking pooh up. Oh yes, in the French classroom, we know how to have fun. Well, I find it funny anyway. My Year 9s have a bit of a giggle too.

At least French is the only lesson they can say they get to throw pooh at each other, eh?

So yes, a fairly uneventful day with a long drive to and from work this morning. Work, home, work by 8.25 (a 50 min round trip). Don't ask. It involves keys and vans and cars and everything is fine now.

I decided not to let it set the pace for the rest of the day and I kept positive.

Loooong meeting this evening.

Home. Hug the pooch. Play with my new vacuum cleaner.

Going to make some tea now and then an early night for Ms Barking.

Cheers. :)

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