Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Scarlett Ribbons

I wasn't intending on blipping at all today, the culmination of several weeks of swimming against several currents, a heavy bill received in the post yesterday made me feel I was positively drowning.
Photography, combined with an evening walk normally helps fight those silly ills, but even that didn't quite work.

But... on leaving work today I noticed these lovely ribbons, tied onto the handlebars of a motorbike. If I had a motorbike, I'd tie ribbons on the handlebars, definitely!

Today a remembrance ceremony was held in Rotterdam to commemorate the last transport of Jewish children to be deported to camp Westerbork. 70 years ago. Children from as young as one month old up to 12 years' old were transported.

All our town was closed and shuttered
All the streets were dark and bare
In our town, no scarlet ribbons
Scarlett ribbons for her hair

Bill? What bill?

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