Fifty Five

Birthday Backblip

Started my birthday by reading the dreadful news coming from Ukraine.
Too early to say if we're heading for WWIII but I have a bad feeling. 

Then got a call from the Office of National Statistics wanting to do a survey about the track and trace service followed by confirmation from Mum that my brother had now contracted coronavirus too.

At midday we had my aunt's funeral. Luckily (?!) neither my parents nor I had seen my brother since last week so we could all still attend back at our old village. My dad is now the last of the siblings :(

Regretfully we're not as emotionally close with that side of the family than as my mum's, but, still a sad occasion, especially given the lack of proper goodbyes due to covid restrictions. The reverend was lovely and it was comforting to be back in church singing familiar hymns, albeit through masks. 

Late afternoon I collected the stepkids while F drove home from work and thanks to traffic lights springing up everywhere, he actually beat us back!

We broke open the birthday cake (chocolate of course) and played cards before heading out to eat. I let F drive so I could enjoy part of the day with a couple of Espresso Martinis :) 

These floral textures were one of my lovely gifts

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