Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 40/55
Main activity: Sun - sort of bike, run, quiet
Notes: Got further on the bike this week - about a mile out. Colder and lower windchill than it was supp to be (39 deg). Got down to the road along the ocean but the winds were just so biting and I was frozen very early on so turned around, put on running clothes and went for 30 min. These trees nearby are still blooming, not quite sure what they are. Ran thru some new areas and found a bunch of different shops, restaurants. Did another bath and made breakfast, watched the Sun morning show. Back and forth a bit on Telegram with Amy Satori - that was interesting. And then a mostly nothing rest of the day. Baked my sweet potato, had with roasted chicken and mashed cauliflower. Not sure what time rain started but went until sometime in the evening (lovely). 

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