
8°C  -  16 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  25 mph Gusts  -  Overcast  -  Rain.  Got my 2022 Scottish Census letter this morning  -  I’ll fill mine in online.  There was a time when the Census person called at your door and asked you questions and filled in the Census form.  I was such a person once  -  I think it was 1971  -  when my patch was Kensington, London, and it was mostly flats  -  certainly got to see another side of life!  Seems nobody calls at your door now, you either do it online or by post.  The Sparrows were around the feeders this morning  -  I have to keep well back from the window because their beady eyes spot me very quickly  -  result is usually lots of blurry shots therefore.  However, managed a few reasonable shots  -  see main blip and one extra.

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