Murmuration Landmark

Nearly got to EB time again, but I thought I would make an attempt at MonoMonday, ‘Landmark’.
The only landmark we have around here is the communication tower the other side of Kirkby Underwood.  Blipped it so many times before, however it is there and it’s getting late, so struggled the tripod and telephoto lens to the bedroom to get a quick shot before the Tesco delivery and darkness.
I was literally setting up the focus WHEN.  Say no more. Three shots taken, the first when I was taken by surprise as they took off, the second immediately afterwards (the blip) and a third after they had all gone.
I’m guessing starlings, especially at the time in the evening and a couple of miles away.
Otherwise a slow day.  At least I caught up with commenting, even if it was a bit scrappy.
Many thanks to JensPhotos for hosting MonoMonday this month.

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