
that was interesting.

We're looking for a sofa bed for our garden room in the new house. They are never that comfortable, either as a bed, or a sofa. I saw one I liked the look of advertised on Facebook. This company don't have showrooms as such, apparently only three 'virtual' ones in the whole country.

Appointment made for the one only 50 miles away. J was convinced it was 'dodgy', thought we'd be conned. It did seem strange as all they offer is a 'virtual' showroom. I did contact them and they assured me we would see the sofas, and not just a virtual tour.

We eventually found the place on an industrial estate, in a storage unit building. Received a phone call with instructions we had to follow, and codes for various doors to get in. After punching codes and following instructions, up stairs and through corridors, being instructed to turn left/right by someone  called Veronica on the phone we arrived in the 'showroom'. And there she was, on the screen on the wall!

It was brilliant. Picking up on her accent J said "You're not from round here are you?" She replied "No, I'm from Poland". I asked (hesitantly) if she was in Poland, J thought it a silly question! It seems it wasn't, she was actually sat in her home in Poland and talked us through the product. Incredibly it worked really well - Phew! Proved I was right to be so trusting, and we are very interested in the sofa. 

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