A balmy autumn day

I wandered over to the health centre this afternoon for my annual flu shot. It was incredibly balmy.

I didn't wait for arm to potentially drop off or any other possible ill that could strike me as a reaction. I gather no one waits in the UK and I'm more likely to be hit by a car while commuting. Besides, I felt like being a little radical ;-)

The extra time gained gave me a few minutes to pause and enjoy the warmth and light. It has a different quality in autumn.

Glorious large

I've tried a new Thursday activity today. My physio thinks I need to add a couple more runs into my mix, preferably hill runs to help build stability and strength in my dodgy hip.

I'm not sure how it's going to work as the days get shorter but today worked well. It's a miracle what an hour in the hills can do :-) Then to the supermarket where my zen like calm remained.

Definitely worth the effort.

Oh, I tried Tiger Balm on the achy bits of my hands this morning. It seemed to help and my colleagues didn't mind the smell ;-)

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