Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Trip a Little Light Fantastic!

Today's grim weather of heavy rain and thick, thick fog calls for some Mary Poppins magic. The reason? Such weather always makes me sing Trip a Little Light Fantastic from Mary Poppins Returns. It's jolly for bringing a smile too.

"When you're alone in your room
Your choice is just embrace the gloom
Or you can trip a little light fantastic with me!"

I tried the latter on an evening stroll!!


"And when the fog comes rolling in, just
Keep your feet upon the path
Mustn't mope and frown or worst lie down
Don't let it be your epitaph"

We try!!

And finally...

"So when life is getting dreary
Just pretend that you're a leerie
As you trip a little light fantastic with me"

Get lighting those candles!

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