Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Good Dog Meet

Met a nice, friendly man today walking a beautiful and very big dog, up on a small forested hilltop near my house. It was great to see such a happy, well-cared for animal, especially one of the bigger breeds, and when the man attached the dog's lead to a nearby fence and nipped off to run an errand, I decided to hang around for a while.
Luckily, I had a few doggy snacks in my pocket, and I soon saw that she was well trained as once I'd given her one treat, she kept putting her giant paw in my hand - clearly one of the ways she gets a treat back home.
I took a shedload of shots, but thanks to a lot of excitement and jumping around all but a few were a blurry mess. I also don't really want to blip yet another generic dog snap - so I've gone for this dog's-eye-view effort instead.
I'd assumed the dog's owner had popped to the library, also on the hilltop, to return some books, but when he came back he'd in fact picked himself a bagful of herbs, which he must be aware grow wild somewhere up on the hill.

You can check my blipfolio for a look at the lovely dog from the front, and despite being both big and almost scarily powerful, you could tell she was a softy at heart.

'Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.'
- Anatole France


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