If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Galanthus elwesii "Polar Bear"

Clearly, this shot is purely a record shot, I make no claim on any photographic value.

Last year we saw on sale a Snowdrop - Polar Bear.  It had large flowers with the inner petals marked top and bottom with green.  However, as always they had been forced brought on to be in flower before those outside.   As this year's Snowdrop season went on I kept checking the pot and had given up hope.  I assumed they had shuffled off this mortal coil. then a few days ago I spotted the first shoots (the one photographed) of the three bulbs.

So now I know when to expect them to be coming up next year.  The label says "Late winter" the RHS says Spring, I suppose it depends when you consider Spring starts.

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