How to increase your fortune.

"Other stock-cubes are available."

I heard recently, on the radio, some-one complaining that contents of packets and sweet bar sizes were being slowly reduced without accompanying price lowering. They quoted, specifically, a packet of crisps (Which, for reasons best known to themselves, some folk call "Chips") going from 35gm packet to 30 gm and holding the price.

Manymany moons ago, in a "General Studies" lecture, I remember being told that a tiny difference could make for a massive profit. Quoted were Shampoos, which suddenly added "rinse and repeat" following their existing instructions, and a firm which reduced the strikers on the edge of match boxes from one each side to one only.

I recently spotted that OXO had changed the shape of their cubes, and thought at the time, "I'll bet they're no cheaper".

If I could be harassed I bet that, with careful, accurate, measuring, one could calculate how many re-shaped cubes you'd need to make a whole new one at no extra cost.

(Aside... The name "Chips" seems, finally to have crossed the Atlantic, there's a trend towards the use of the word on packets of crisps over here now.)

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