Just like Ernie Wise's wig?

"You can't see the join."
I see, from time to time, folk put "Sorry about the quality." quoting mitigating circumstances. In this case...
1. Flash would have negated the effect.
2. One tends not to carry a tripod around when going for the regular, fortnightly, pint's o' the Black Stuff.

It's the sign over the arch leading to North Lakes Hotel dining room. What intrigues me about it is the fact that, unlike ?90% of all such signs there is absolutely no evidence of where any separate light tubes start and finish.

I spent so much time "yesterday" (Backblipped) faffing around with ye stacking of ye focus I ended up with Rockall so I reckon this must qualify for emergency status.

P.S. I see the software renders "Greater than or = to" as "?".
Dense bloody machine.

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