I Hope I Get It

First read through for the B.A.T.S. summer play last night and it is apparent that - as far as the male roles are concerned - there are likely to be more of us chaps auditioning than there are parts available. There would appear not to be the same issue with the female parts, hence Samm nonchalantly making a cup of tea whilst Duncan and Richard wonder who is best suited to the part of the character described as “mid-fifties, balding”. You can obviously see that both could bring something to the role, but neither quite fulfils the whole brief! I should, at this point, declare an interest, as it is the part I quite fancy playing myself, so hard luck chaps. The script was very funny and there are some great plot twists. I think we are all looking forward to performing it.
Back in 2020, when we tentatively started rehearsing after lockdown one, we had to stay socially distanced, sanitise regularly and download the script to an electronic device. Last night, copies of the script were available, we all sat around the same table and we had drinks at half time. In other words, back to normal! Also back to normal - certainly as far as the older members of the society were concerned - were all the in jokes referencing previous productions and the childish giggling that kept breaking out just because one of the characters is called “Willy”. We had a couple of new members at the read through and they must have been wondering what the hell they were letting themselves in for!
Just a case now of waiting to see who gets the parts. I did make a point of offering to pay the director a little “extra” on top of my subs if it would help him come to the “right” decision. Though it would seem that my idea of what constitutes a bribe is quite different to his. I may have to up the stakes…

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