Making sculptures using 3D technology

Today I revisited the sculpture exhibition in the local arts centre as there was to be a talk and demonstration about using 3D technology to help make portrait sculptures and I thought it would be good to learn about this.

The sculptor doing the talk is the son of a local lady who was a sculptor so he learnt lots from her over the years , despite following a career as an aircraft engineer until two years ago. 

He now sculpts portraits…see extra for a finished one.

I had envisaged the talk/ demo would be for about an hour and hoped to see 3D printing take place. However the chap told us in great detail about how he made sculptures including the frames etc etc. I actually learnt a lot …the blip is of the measurements he makes having taken lots of photographs and then scaling up by about 13% to allow for shrinkage when fired.

But…after two hours he had not yet used any technology. It was also very cold in the old church despite having a thick coat on!

He did have the chap who he is making the sculpture of there and he did start using his imaging camera and we could see the results on the screen but I had to leave before the end of the session. See extra 2. He said we could look at a video on YouTube of how the 3D printing works. So a bit disappointing!

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