They're back...

had wondered why the peanuts were disappearing so fast from the table as the squirrel wasn't about... the jays are back in town after being absent for a while!  Lucky I stocked up on bird food supplies earlier this week then!

Another grey day with thankfully less rain about so it was back to some light gardening this morning!  I've recently subscribed to a monthly flower seed/bulb package from Rose Press Garden and the March offering was 3 peony bare roots and 2 packets of seeds! So I got the peonies in pots this morning and started a few of the seeds off on the window sill, and had a general tidy up of pots and compost area in the hope that it will make me more organised.... it won't last!

The lawn is still really squelchy and waterlogged so that's restricting what I can do in the garden at the moment! So I've done some yoga for gardeners this afternoon to ease my aches and pains and now it's time for sport and reading!

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