Rapunzel in icing

This is the Rapunzel figurine I made with icing last night. It's quite small. I was not entirely happy with the result and I overdid the lipstick, I think, but the customer was happy, so that's what counts. Now it will go on a Birthday cake!

I spent many hours doing this last night, so I didn't have much time for anything else and I went to bed quite late as well.

Although I didn't have enough sleep last night, I had a good day on the whole. Work was really busy though! I still have the sty on my eye and it's really annoying me. A friend of mine has advised me to put cotton pads soaked in hot water on it. I'll try that tonight, see if it works..

Not much more happening really. Just counting my days to holidays!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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