Sunday Blip

It has been cold today, some mizzle this early, then the sun kept on popping its out from behind grey clouds.

The morning started with me spotting four magpies on the big old tree (think it is an oak), across the houses from me, through my kitchen window. Panic mode as dashed into the study, grabbed a camera, then the lens and 2x extender, then back into the kitchen. Four were still there, then there was three, and by the time I had sorted myself out there were two so there you have it for today's blip! :-))

The rest of the morning was spent being a domestic goddess! I have spent the afternoon trying to choose the maximum of five images for our Master Photographer Competition.  I'm exhausted, but a G&T is working wonders before I cook dinner ;-))

I do hope you have had a good weekend, and that this next week will  a good one. Take care out there, and stay safe :-) x

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