The beginning of the season at Gifford's Circus

I finally set off to drive to the farm shop in Bisley rather later than I’d wanted. I would arrive with just enough time before they closed for the day at 1pm to check on my card stock. Having problems with my computer means that I must arrange to print everything I need before I have to despatch my computer for its remote repair which Apple has estimated will take up to ten days!

The weather was fine and sunny though there was a very cold and brisk breeze. About a mile from Bisley I heard a terrible noise coming from the rear of the car and within seconds I just knew I had a completely flat tyre, with the rim obviously grinding along the tarmac. As I knew the road I realised there was an entrance to a field about a hundred yards ahead, so I indicated, slowed down rapidly from the current thirty miles an hour and pulled across the road.

A few curses later I realised that I needed to contact the wonderful Warwick Cars in Stroud, and true to form within forty minutes the owner, Dylan, arrived in his flat loader, just in case, with an industrial standard jack, a heavy duty torque wrench and a jovial spirit. My arthritic hands can’t deal with such situations anymore so  I was very grateful and within a short while we were both back on the road. I continued onto the farm shop just in case one of the owners might still be there, and they were, so I could collect the remaining cards. 

On the return journey I thought of a blip that I’d considered when I saw that the wonderful Gifford’s Circus had erected their Big Top at their base at Fennels Farm near Lypiatt House, beside the road from Stroud to Bisley. I parked in their new entrance to the field and grabbed a couple of pictures. they start their season of travelling around the country by testing out the logistics of erecting the tent and the travelling vehicles they need, which have been stored at the farm over the winter. In a short whole the crews and the performers will practice and rehearse before the season launches with a few days of public performances for local Stroud people. ?then they will set off for a weekly stay at a variety of locations.

The woman who created and performed in her circus, Nell Gifford, sadly died in 2019.  But her family still own and run the show. Read about Nell’s story and the circus by searching for them. (NB I did post a direct link but I fear their site has been hacked and I wouldn't recommend it.)

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