Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Just in time...

Here's old faithful. I got caught up today and forgot about my blip!
Ali and I were taking about Ukraine this afternoon. She reckons her new mum hormones are making her even more emotional about it all. She reminded me about pets, like this little lady here, who is a beloved indoor cat. I'd have to leave her if I was in Ukraine, how could she survive,how world she keep warm, what would she do, what would she eat, would she know how to hunt?..., and then what about the hamsters, the guinea pigs, the goldfish? They're only animals, but they are dependent, people love them and they have to leave them. A layer of guilt to add to the fear. It's so unfair.
I look at all my things and I think of those who have what they are able to carry, if they are lucky. I think of all the family treasures, the papers, the memories, the photographs, all safely stored on 'lost' computers, hopefully lots are safely on the cloud. But that's not a priority just now, but later, when you can't remember your password and the second level security sends a 6 digit number to the phone number you registered with, but you've lost the phone in all the upheaval. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking.

There's praying, but it feels so little.

On the other hand, I was gardening in the sunshine this morning and there were bees on the heather and I paused and said thank you.
Stay safe people.

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