

of the boo

with some fussing & faffing

to go along - with it, just because - well just because - it’s another snow day - and the boo looked - at me with one - of those looks - if you’re an animal person - at all, you’ll know - exactly what kind of - look it is i’m - talking about especially - because i’ve not posted - miss mollie-boo in quite - some time and she’s - been feeling a tad - neglected over it

so to make it up - to her little - kittie-boo self and - regal highness of all highnesses - i snapped and then fussed - and faffed away - adding to the boo’s delight - a snappy border to set - off her butterscotch tones - making it in shades - of pink no less - does it get any - better than that - i ask, as the boo - is lounging by my side - a subtle purr going strong - and dare i say, it’s been…


happy day.....

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