Cherry plum blossom

I love cherry plum blossom. It's always the first to open here, and the tiny, simple, delicate flowers with their long, erratic stamens are exquisite. We have two big, old trees in the orchard: the first has been in full, frothy bloom for a week or more, but the second is just opening, the first few flowers surrounded by clusters of tight buds. The main photo is from the second; I wasn't sure which to choose, as I like the tiny, half open flower and emerging green leaf in low, late afternoon light in the extra, but I was attracted by the colours of the main photo. I don't know if there will be fruit this year, as in our eight summers here, we've only had one good crop of cherry plums, which made delicious, slightly tangy jam; but the beauty of the blossom more than compensates for the lack of fruit.

Thank you Jill/JDO for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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