A solitary walk in the wood

Wednesday was a good day. It was sunny, and S was here with J, the first day for a week with any support, as her other PA is still off work with Covid. Numbers in this area are on the rise again - I guess now that the schools are back from half term, and also since the government decided to tell people there is no need to do anything to keep others safe. J had a nice day,  I caught up with a few of the long list of priority jobs, and after lunch decided to snatch half an hour for a walk, the first for a while. The light in the wood was beautiful, with low sun and dappled shade, and the bluebell leaves are well up, promising a wonderful display of flowers in a few weeks time. I didn't see any people, dogs, sheep or even lone trees for a solitary themed Wide Wednesday photo, but it was a very lovely solitary walk, good for the spirits. Back at home, I emptied more old weed-filled pots on the deck, grateful for the lengthening days, while P continued to clear the branches removed from the fallen pines. I returned inside to find J had fallen asleep during her hand massage; she was wonderfully relaxed and content. We enjoyed a movie evening together, watching Murder on the Orient Express, with an all-star cast who seemed rather under-used. It's very well produced, but I didn't find it particularly engaging; it seemed to me to be a puzzle rather than a human story.

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