
By scribbler


I took lots of photos--a dozen, a score--
historic, hysterical, artsy, and more.
I tried to succeed but I bored myself blue,
quite fearful, Dear Reader, that I'd bore you too.

I had a great candidate--aye, there's the rub.
The photo was good but the date was a dub.
I tried to upload it and Blipfoto said,
"You've already got one!" My cheeks turned bright red.

I knew right away what had caused this denial,
that previous eagerness turned to a trial.
My first blip was shot in the dead of the night
so when I awoke, well, cor blimey! sime dite!

Full twenty-four hours I had to resist
the click of the shutter, a sound sorely missed.
At last, uninspired, I searched for a sight
worth my sharing. The prospects appeared none too bright.

That cloudscape? that cottage? that pink-blooming tree?
I shot, I deleted, I groused Woe is me.
Already a failure? A day with no post?
I've barely begun and already I'm toast!

Already, a newbie, my rep is kaput.
Already I've shot myself clean in the foot.
But then I perceive that an act Providential
has solved my dilemma with one snap essential.

With iPhone in hand I was crossing the street
when click went the camera aimed at my feet.
A well-composed abstract soon came into view:
the pavement, my jeans, and the top of my shoe.

Such handsome diagonals! shadows so deep!
with textures and colors so varied, so neat!
Thus ends the adventure. At last I can blip.
I wish you, Dear Reader, the fun of the trip.

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