
By scribbler


Branches from a previous spring. (SOOC, cropped.)

Chantler63 Shakespeare Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month
Words invented by Shakespeare
Day 11: countless

A few years ago I bought some early spring branches covered in furry buds.
They broke open revealing furled pink blossoms and burst forth.
I watched them in all their stages of development until they were spent.
Then I dried them and removed the detritus from the tips of each twig.
I keep them in three blue bottles.
I still find them beautiful.
Today's challenge, "countless," reminded me that they are such a small part of the bounty of spring, even of the bounty of the tree that produced them.
Sometimes I can sense remaining life in them, patiently awaiting resurrection.
I wonder, if I put them in water, would they root and send out new leaves?
Life is infinite.

Poem for the day. First draft! No time for polishing.
No matter. There are countless more where this one came from.


Like the stars and grains of sand
Promises to Abraham
Every twig at every stage
Precious in its life and death
Countless twiglets on a tree
Countless buds on every branch
Countless flowers bloom and set
Countless fruit for countless mouths
Glory in the ripening sun
Feed the mushrooms when they’re done.

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