PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Our Newest Additions

Meet Misty and Raine! Two beautiful little female moon bear cubs that we rescued yesterday. They were confiscated by the FPD aprox 15km from the Chinese border, and were being transported in a backpack by two suspicious looking men on a motorbike. Sadly the mother was most likely killed in order to take the cubs, which were destined for a bile farm in either China or Hanoi. It's just heart-breaking to think that these beautiful little girls were running around free in the forest with their mother not more than three weeks ago.

I am so honoured and priviliged to have been a part of their rescue and now to be involved in helping handraise them. Misty is the more out-going (troublemaker!) of the two and is proving to be a little more tricky with the bottle. Raine is a little quieter, but still very mischeivious and playful. She is taking her bottle beautifully! I can't wait to see how their personalities develop over the coming weeks and months :-)

Click HERE for a link to our website with photos and video from the rescue - there's even a dodgy one of me bottle feeding on the trip back today!

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