Getting Fresh Air

Gales have been blowing all day, but mostly sunny and dry.

Looks like it'll be a week at home in isolation.  After a good sleep, I woke and surprisingly spent the morning about the house.  The afternoon and evening has been much the same, telly, movies and trying to avoid the news.  Plenty of friends and family offering sympathy and help, if and when needed, thank you all.  

After a horrid day of Covid-19 symptoms, today has been much better.  I woke up still feeling awful, fuzzy head, and mild flu like symptoms, but the sore knees and fever had vanished.  As the day has progressed, I've started feeling almost normal again.  Head is still slightly fuzzy, with sore ears that won't pop correctly, along with being tired at times.  My LFT was positive again too.  A big help today wad getting out into the garden for some fresh air, it's truly amazing what it can do.  I do have to be grateful that I have outdoor space, just a shame it wasn't more spring like.  Taken in my garden, Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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