Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Just waiting and watching....

Well today we have had torrential rain most of the day which began around 4am! We almost had to wade to work. However, if I look outside now the ground is dry again and its as if we never had any rain!

There was a break in the rain at lunch time and so I managed to take some pictures of the pied crow. These birds are really irritating they make so much noise on the roof (the roof is made of iron sheets). There are many of them around this area.

However, on the bright side they do catch small rodents and even snakes and they eat all the rubbish around the place. I live beside one of the Early Childhood Centres and one Saturday morning I was walking past the centre when I noticed rather a large black mamba (a deadly snake) almost a metre long, just outside the grounds. What happened next really got me - two or three of these big crows came and they literally cut off the snakes head with their beaks, and then they lifted it between them and carried it off.

I have never seen such a sight again and its a time when I wished I had a video camera with me!

Today's was not so dramatic - this guy was just watching something over the wall and waiting to pounce! Notice our security measures - broken glass on top of the wall - didn't stop the crow though!

Thanks for all your lovely comments and stars and wishing you all a great weekend!

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