Different but the same

Here are some lilies / crocus coming up in my garden (along with the book I purchased yesterday). After some investigation I have come to the conclusion the white ones are Zephyranthes. (which I call rain lilies as that is what I purchased and they come up in autumn after a storm) and the yellow slightly larger ones are Sternbergia (which I call autumn crocus) they are both members of the amaryllis family and grow from a bulb which looks just like a daffodil bulb. Doesn’t matter really but I find the naming of plants of some interest and usually record what I purchase in a big old diary. Extra shows them together in an old bottle. They look very similar. Most crocus bloom in spring but the ones you harvest saffron from comes up in autumn (crocus sativus). I have some but they are very shy and don’t always bloom. 

I felt a bit more energetic today after my cold. I did some cleaning, some office clearing out and some weeding. Also had a nice chat to MsPeahen (my sister).

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